Timber cutting on shore lines often needlessly 
removes the nesting sites of wood ducks and other tree- 
nesting species. 
River and harbor works often affect waterfowl 
prejudicially when a bit of thought w*ould show just as 
good a way not harmful to the birds. 
These matters require only educational work. 
This program mea-ns more wardens, and more wardens mean 
more educators - if we pick them and pay them right, and 
if we once convince the politicians that a warden is not 
merely a policeman. 
7, zt1ical Education: 
It is impossible and unnecessary that all duck 
hunters have the same ethical code. It is possible and 
likewise necessary, that the mean level of that code be 
progressively raised at a faster rate than un. uided 
evolution seems able to raise it. 
For one thin;-, it is the mean ethical level of 
duck hunters that determines the public attitude toward 
conservation of duck hunting.   le-        t          votel 
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