wrth any times tb cst of the work, regless of pros- 
pects for' control of liuease. 
There In talk about bsttue     foraronm.   The 
Northen Riohigas Sprtme's Assoiatin Is conidein 
tho intro&uotx f VLasok ant& OSperallaie  In my 
op initis *1  u A&3g an already too smlez situt i. 
Phaats sn   wsatttW for  aes. Nomte 
how summasful pheasantsa-*$ the fact reais ta O 
hXl of  li gau rs omla wW cde t iw of  41" Valw1* t 
Thr. is &Aa linSt V±ae1 bslief a-ww  Xle1ga 
sprtsmen that slar is Impott togoqa..oas          h 
soil of which will not ba clovi3*ea. Vosh 
clvraA buckwhat a plnel-t a viowto\. 
Oneurgin Vus. Yt roG~s's foanayssim~ 
'by the Iiologial 'urM) dw   anglgble peportion At" 
o.yvu. im, birds wars itaxly &11 killt UI fU. 