Laparit in respect to these properties has long been recogn 
itiOns of the chse. The Indian ideal. of a "hapy h   ting g 
ed an ethereal region  ~rfeet in such properties. The "spor 
"of the outdoor press is its eartb counterpart, its flavor 
ctioni of poker chips, outboard motors, and automatic guns. 
w ht extent are such disparities in fertility confirmed by b 
That they exist admits of little doubt. Compare, 
the upland game fauna of the four largest blocks of 
.ay's travel of Chicag: 
Central         Central 
Wisconsin       Michigan 
LI                     I               x 
Ohio River 
Vile UnIcoJen 
ptail Grouse 
red Grc 
)Iuse            x              -x                  x 
-x                 x                 - 
ral Wisconsin, with whatever similar area it be o 
of prairie chicken, or shartail, or both,-a fact 
its inherent ivalue in the eyes of the sportsma 0o 