.a tta rn     l   the hatcleiy whero it wee raised, and4 allU r,,inr saA

otter. ih.btintt the stren i La ~h it Is relased. Th~e tibherma patps 
feels no loss in this w.witoo of one kI'An of vild life for aother, but the

ornthochLIs  iared  to biloff te-an ails.     krtiflalalized ar~e~   t 
has, in efrfet, bu#t fishing at the o.%)ne of another and pq4bps h1ier 
recroatiLn; it Mes paid dividends to oeoltinai out of oapitil stock beling

to all. Ili am    kind af biooal wldwoAtin  premile Ln &,xe tu~o    
 t.  In 
MaoeWere ild-erop statistics are ?,ailable for lon  peioe w eve 1ow 
the "rate of      '~u6g"of time for preaitore-  hs inz. Lawn  
one ha*w to )41u   for 
.oc  seven ppxm-brd baAd nnd oui predator of eom      kind4 for wwh three
head of 
Dwsto plant-life usl folows artiftalized =Lrgmt of anile- 
for ozmle, daag     to forests by door. One aV see this in north (exivow,
norte st 1wxlvna, in the Kaibab, awl in domse of other loes pnibllcized 
regins.In ach ~seove-abudan4dor, vhcm d.pwtwe of their atural easdsle, 
bae.   de it imosble for deer foo4-p1.nts to pwrviv. or rmproduo..   Beedtio
and ye  La1 oe;gon hemlock ad white e&, in the eastern states; Mountnia

mn~wnW A oliff'.rose In the .am~r door-foods threatened by artifiloalized

doer. The mip     ltion of the flora, from wild flowers to forest trees,
in graftally 
Impovrished, PAa the teot in tur are dwarfe.d by malutritio.a There are no
in the wods toaylike those on the walls of fouAtl w4tios. 
On the %n,.,l1h heath. rpolcio of trees is inhibited k 'rabit 
ovr-preotte La the pr@oss of crpin, v&rtridgas ul poUnt. 
soores of trpia    ts1M~l both flora -m   f.-== have been destroyed IV 
gonts Introduced for vient ad sport. It would be hardi to Matoulate the 
mutual Injures by and betwee mvvis deprived of their rv-tuwsl pro4torm, 
and rwws st~ppet of their natural foo&-plaats, Agricultrl orope