Whon d~.1en hae~ set the 
to 1iqto.n for the il& prooffeti 
at th6 sky, dial out the b.4lau M 
bnear iti the) fUigt-som of the 
If your eyes are strmW, yo 
circling mon  the wlly aloud. 
w-ah the fqncm posts. 3oon a tie 
,pl)ovnr )ins aji1 t.4 and folded his 
rrat 1 b j at aen the wing-foldi 
Thore he *is; his *eo hbet 
frihis dowtin. The couty~ rec 
the Plovnr airily rules out sucht 
rai1e, to rysasert the title he got 
pre a-wing, this pasture to his, a 
So~wee eab    the hen plow 
rthih will shortfly hatch four pmr 
iri, thny  camner thog  the  m 
(Our cluueY efforts to cac Ona.    At thirty day  th  chck ne~ ful      
m   no 
Mohr fowl dove!*,ns with "sa spe*ed. _  ileps they hat.       .4~mo
fro" fll 
'l7hOol', awl on cool At,,s nights yoe   hear their vhiutl sigassthy    
Flue, for the       topv        into-eol        ut o     h .JOS         
h~r. solidstrity to sa amng steeman. but not aqa the f~hrdnvsso 
The  uplanqd plover fit  easily Into the agriulum  aonryla      Re boll 
,hft b~hnck-v*.whit. bufta)-o which aOw T."asture his pri4..,. an finds
diem *a