is &ot a thir    f the bredn poten l#, or 5.2 youn per pair. 
was nkiteve( b  the -x to the lowest breedn pe-lation of rer: I 
The least ga actuall   mellsed was 25 per cent in 1933, whih i 
a twetffth of the breedin potentials or 0.6 yon per pair. This 
score was made by the higheit breading populton or record3   1 Krug 
Fig. 5, and the invere ro1ation   ae.4 from it, amss     that the 
popuati    counted n1 the lt April s      In the poulation whh 
reproduces In May and Junip. We ignore Intevein  losses by pr  odrt ,n 
as well, as possible intevein losses by egress or gains by  nres 
becase of our imnbility to 4*test or meare then. Wn also Igore. for 
the same reason pobvible mveets In or out of the area In, lateq Muw 
and early fall.   sar cruditie s mthod migt lead to ernm 
os If          the Interesnac losse or gas .ourred La certain years, 
bt sot in others    We have no eidenc for or ait           differees 
A statititlal test of ivriyi       i-5gvsacrexto 
occurr in  hac aloe. Is los tha 1 out of10. 
Invrsiy o OhorAxes.If inset  is a proerty of boibwhite 
poylatios, It should be 4.gtectible on other area.. Figs. 6 ad 7, 
Graphs A, Cs and R, present th history of three bobwhite ppalImn 
in Illinois, Iow (' and WI..ou 
P. E. Yeatter of the Illinois