Mr, H. A. Sra ., president of the I. W. L, A. d 
not give a a oonneote aeoount of his attitude on the 
question, but other off eors of the Leagu  Savo    the se 
arugutS as J'. !rudefl. 
$hooting Clubs 
In adAlition to Clib members, who natura4ly loa  to 
war&      moo4h,:e 0 the Upper 1,e           sula Delomet 
Buroa  is a strong and able proponent of V 0lubs1l_    2kU 6   u 
is finanaed principally by iwbor oompanloe5Ltores to in 
disposing of outoyors.   the lumbermn    _ have net yet eut U 
SAOa that by slightly mo4ifyin  their methods of euttig, 
ospocially of oor-yart swamps, the game proutive 1apty 
and hno the valm  of outovers oan be increased, Te N?* 
woods Club. for instanes. have no yarding gru3A5    n ttoi, 
propet. The deer all have to go man miles nrthA        Ue 
can develop &^yra( this oonstitutes a basi wakness 
t heir entire enterprise. 
h*e-Club properties seem to be acquiret at pries 
ranging from $1.00 to #2.60 per aore. 
The map (so ApaM)hrn diagri4jiazle tO 
lation of olube to publicly owned shooting grouns in the 
Nor thern Poninsula. 
I did not determin just what oultural measures wer 
being unAertaken by Clubs eeoopt in one oase. 1W. Frn 
$poe of the orthwoods Club citetd: (1) A hatchery (2) 1/3 
of area in refuge (5) small plantations (4) a Lire tower ap