On  l.a4 h s o     sstil  watmv.* vs oily a       La a boo untl 
w bad    se     as a   tkhm    the C     IAVO.   It bDa   had not written

the       i=4 hav  felt omsaine to v t ou os        Th  still 
guters wer  ofa   -so   .*oal buo  colored 1 &00# 1 Supoe tt 
less g      forall that. A    rat w6l1 of *qmit* a willow seatd 
stadin In the poel* abs   as *ga   ht  etaft matet.   b7 it* white r0eflotia.

nlests of eoinomts drov    their 'bl~a  po  is qeest of skittering  letes

mallards, widgeons, and teal sprang skyward in alarm. 
av~ocets wilsto, and    Utlop dosed       msd the , A            AS  e 
birds took the air th.W .oemsted ina suall olma hed there to 
settle,, or to Weak bek to ou   rear.     a the tr oopof egrts  settled 
s    a    far geen wilw, they loed te a pr  e    sn m. 
All this wealth ef fowl and fish mm not fer our deecation aloe. 
Often wu     upoa a behest, flattensd to *e bel-mmnei zdrftwood 
log paw poised fe     lot. YowM  e   of rt       wa44 the eblle     t 
to rsm    thei iafst of eqiS.te bas        v te      I suppose by an 
eeatoual arppo    shorebird, duo, or quail. At *very shallw ford 
were tra*. of Vatwe door. We always exame     Shes doew trail*$ hapi 
to fiad sign of the depet of the Delta, the gret mottled Jaguar A     li

Wesw neither hid  wo haIr of his, %at his personality pervaed 
She wildoeness1n living beas forgot hit poenwtial prftsewa, for the 
pies of umtusso was death. So door rouned a bush# or stoped. to 
rAbble ?cs    ner a esequite tree, without a paSar sniff for 
tj       So w.   iro lied without talk of him. To dog culed up few the 
asi*S, save, at his %ster'sa feet. He neee so telling that the kio   of