Odloe*pj Of m#*e pwsuttion to wI~t io intended to omritemat m~ prouction.

rho v~lue of remio     is not a matter of oipher.   Ureati  o  is vable is

mpwotiom to the iatensity of its experieces, ad to the de        to whc It

LUL*!3 emidgnMt-E            wrkady life. By these criterin, meohanaie 
sutiW, are at beet a milk-es&"watet .ffmtw. 
Memeizse recreation already Me siesd nine %ths, of th      vMoos     n 
alas a decm  t re5oot for      rttes  shoud dedicate the other enth to illolst

Wr   ns fr Salsees 
The mst i~iorat characteristic Of an otmim ios aopacity for Internl 
mlf-reak           as health. 
There ane t" o  gisms, whose pmoeseo e  lf-rnei have boon imbJests'

Io h     iterfee     amd ctro-. O      of these So man         (ms4ine a

m'bll heath). The other is land (agriculture and coservtion), 
The effort to control the health of land has. ot beo. very sucessful~. It
ww geerlly uAdestooe4 thait when woil loses. fertility, or wshes away faster

than it forvs, and wen water systems exibit &aml floods and sortaes,
Land to sick 
Other deremente tre knowo tets, ut oar          t yet t     t    as 
if Isdscns.The Eiisea          e of lplants and e"Imi speoies without
muse, Leonite efforts to protest than, ans the irru1tin of othee as pest
)it* efforts to  oatwel then, must* in the Absoem  of seinl             
oof *1                   oese in the          d      Both ae om         
rreutWy to be dismisse  as norml evoltionr eets. 
Th  stntke of thouht on these &i~nets of the lsad Is refloted in the

&ot tht our tmtatente for them are still movailingly looal. Thu     
when a 
fertility we pear an fertilize, r a t beet alter Its ta  flm   eM