Elton, Charles. Voles, Mice and Lemmings - -- 
Escalante, -. (Escalante Journal in)The Catholic Church in Utah. -    - 
Picker, C. T. Advice to Emigrants -- 
Forbes, Stephen A. & Alfred 0. Gross. Numbers & Local Distribution
of Ill. 
Land Birds - ---- 
Forbush, E. W. Game Birds, 4ild Fowl and Shore Birds 
Friedmann, Herbert. Bird Distribution and Bird Banding 
Gerstell, R. P. Winter Feeding 
Glading, Biswell, & Smith. Studies on Food of the Calif. (uail in 1937
- - 
Greene, R. A., Reynard & Muirphy. The Influence of Two Burrowing Rodents...

Kangaroo Rat and...Pack Rat on Desert Soils in Arizona 
Harland, John. The Shuttleworth Accounts - - - ---- ---- -- - --- 
Harris, W. R. The Catholic Church in Utah 
Haskins, C. H. Studies in the History of Mediaeval Science - -------- 
Hatch, P. L. Birds of Minnesota - -- 
Hickey, Joseph J. and A. Leopold. Steep Farms in SW Wisconsin------- 
Hicks, Lawrence E3. The Controlled Hunting Areas and the Pheasant Refuge

Management System in Northwestern Ohio- 
Hittell, --. Adventures of James C. Adams -       ---------------- 
Holbrook, Stewart H. Burning an empire - -    -   ----------- ---- 
Hughes. Doniphan's Expedition - -.-a-------------------   -- - 
Imlay, George. The Western Territory of North America     ----------    
Inman, Col. Henry. The Old Santa Fe Trail - - - - -- ----  -- - - -- 
Judd, Sylvester D. The Grouse and Wild Turkeys of the United States -- -

Kalm, Pehr. Description of Maize, How It Is Planted and Cultivated in North

America, Together with the Many Uses of This Crop Plant-------    -- - 
Kelso, Leon H. Food Habits of Prairie Dogs------- 
Kenzie, Mrs. John H. Waubun - - 
Kilp, F. G. Survey of Legal & Illegal Deer Kill -- 
Kumlien, L. and N. Hollister. Birds of Wisconsin 
Lantz, David. Raising Deer and Other Large Game Animals in the United States.

LeCompte, E. Lee. Winter Feeding of Bob-Thite Quail & Propagation of