, Med on iofc and probabilitSs, of the                                  
terrain to be hnted. This w111 take you over the groun   whre the birds 
ought to be. 
The-wtksT way is to  ader, quite aimlessly, fron one red laxntern  to 
another. This ivill lke.ly take you ihere- the birds a~u~are. The lanterns

are bl     r-j leaves, red in October sun. 
Rd lnt     s have ligted my wy on imy a pleasant hwnt in nuiy a rgon, 
but I think that blackberries mist first have leaned how to glow In the san

countise of  eniral Wisconsin. Along the little        streas of these frienly

wastes, called poor by those whose own lijhts barely flicker, the blaekberries
richly red on every suny Gay fron first frost to the last &ay of the
er1 woodcock ad evey pArtri4ge has his prlate solarium under these briars.

Most hunters, not Iowing this, wear theiselves out in the briarless sarb,
returni   home birdloss, leave the rest of us in peaca. 
BY "us" I meAn the birds, the strea-#, the dog, and lself. The
stmaw is 
a lazy one; he winds         the alders as if he would rather stay here than

reach the riv,,r-.  o would 1. 71.r- one of hiz hairpin hesitatoin      
 that ruich 
more st          wrvOe hillside brrs iiadjoin      be s of frozen ferns an
weeds on the boy bottom. No -,rtr  ge can long absent hinself from such a
nor c-n I, Pnrtridge hanting, then, is a ereekuide stroll, upwind, from one

briar iatch to sanother. 
The dog, when he approaches os/', loo  around to uake sur I am wihin 
gunshot.  mrssvred, he advans with stealtk   caution, his wet nose ts   rg

t-ai-r screevniN   a hundred scents for that one scent, the potnti  a presence

of which gives life and meaning to the whole landsape. Us Is the prospector