I it   jut axte     to ascribe all. the Ills of sport to lb. Invetor 
f pylel aide-toport. !h, advertier invnts idens, and Idea as seldom 
o honeest as pbalcal .bJoat., eymthug     they na  be eqmlly Useless. One

eob doem., special enttom    the '*e-te-go 4epatmt. KVIQodg of the 
.Wrea'bmte of good hWttain or f~sinl Is a very persona   form of' prpry 
o 10m red do, or a      a thing to Ite loam*o@w or     aea % personal eowteq.

A to hv   It to the masplo of Om. sports       3lm as an aid-4o.eirclAtio

Peto  awnther mtter. To ha" it to all andv0 4     as fro public 6semie.

eatlamhlvU mAtbew umttew- Iva    46nesation   depatet    r  WU 
mad bwrr *bere thw fish are bitL~g and vhow   a fl*o of &Of has 
&light for a meal 
Owe* ors.aix.4 pr    smitte. tend to £e~..onllsi one of tb 
POY*ml laOts in outdoo       sprs     I do not knowee th* line 
4ee bstwelf 1l6tIatie aMd il.gtIato practice     I an oomilaose  thog, that

*t-o   service has bw)m all bma of rael 
wa ~.   LA*~          ~         *..                       -    ~-----~' 
-,~--   - 
wh huron    or A-amwa as gou    the wre-vwo-w Sirt     rdiles 's 
the doelwe. ..es of sporwons. Bat If it Is a. good, the avwtiew 
ootto mara forcble ea.    One wc la tho fishing lttery, In whch*4 
0hatft4   fish are tased, amd a puiz is of fered fer the fighlocthn 
4 inning ambr      This curiou hybrid between the tehniques of mselo    aMd
a pW1 hail insures the oveflbin of mm    an alroat ex2mteM lake, aM 
Ing a glw of civic pride to wM    a vil1Zgs Chber of    @mees 
It Is Idle for tke profossional wiWV.if  nuig    to cosier thomelves 
*o fro thoskes offiw. Th produtio       eae ani tho salessnbln      to 
wa:both are tarre with the su     tick. 
mnge -re tywif to rati &me in the wild by mnlpulatift its 
kad %bu  to convort ha   twefro  mc1tatio    to crppa.     It Ike 