May 22nd, 1931 
Mr. Oeth Gordon,                           Our Fie: 
erisn Game -6sooiation,                      Game 
Inwestmnt Bldg., 
Vashington, D. C. 
Dear Kr. Gordon: 
North Centa1 Game 
Referring to prvious ltters regard- 
in various mmbers using staffers in their corrpondenoe 
regarding the Game 6uxrey: 
You will recall that the Ithaa Gu 
Company suggested that they ould use one of the inserts 
in eac of the 7000   atalogs they intend to distribute this 
year. This seed to be a pretty big order to me, co I 
called it to Mr. Leopold's attention, and his rply  s - 
*I am afraid that thi would be stirring, up a dmand great 
er than we can handle, and since no reprint of the report is 
probable I doubt the wisdom of aooepting his offer." 
In view of the foregoing, I would suest 
if you think it desirable, that you send Y. L. P. Sith, 
Ithaca Gun Company, Ithaa, N. Y. a supply of approxmately 
1000 copies of the eiwoular. Possibly at a later date if 
the 'uxvoy Is not being distribted in lage quantities, you 
an sendMr. Smith an additional supply. 
CSC:B                  Sct 
Copy to Mr. "ldo Leopold: 
The above in line with yours of the 20th. The 
specially bound copy of the Ourvey arrived sometime ago, 
and it certainly is a masterpiece. In fact it now is in 
my own library, and I am keeping a regular bound copy for 
the office. 
I still hope we will have an opportunity to see 
you in New York before long. 