In southern Mehigsn, as elseowhere, quail beom* very 
abundant during the em  of orad  agriculture (1876-1890),    - 
oreasing progressively with the intensification of agrioul- 
tuxal  ethot, This is merely another way of saying that 
cover is the limiting factor. 
In addition, quail are wiped out from time to time 
by sever. winter stormo    brehon roords such    eciations 
about 1864 and about 18o4,    Mothor sene  to have occurre 
about 1921. 
Quail are now plentiful in the agricultural Ult 
but closet. 
some sportsmen atot re-opening 'the season. It 
seems to no that may blanket ro-opening woult bean eror 
The Audhlon oleumts would oppose it ant with son reason. 
On the other han, they Eight reatily acquiesco in an ex- 
poriment to so whether or not the Close  ason is the 
most effective avallable tevice for Ine asing quail. 
Prgpose Imernent 
The experiment should be sponsored by the sprtems   , 
the Audubon Society, the Agricultural Colege, aux the Con- 
servation Dpartment, cooperating with a group of farmers 
owning 810 sections of typical quail country. 
A oensus shoultd,'mae of the existing ooveys. 