E. Metals occurin    in adqu2ato quanities in United Stte. 
5~, Aluiwa 
Me tals ocurin     In adequate quantities in Untd States, 
1. Atmn 
A.         am a.   Usen1ta  Throiw sau   osblt of 
oanot  e dpened  pon to furnish a gretei 
oulia#Lon of ta4Ulties. Tb1* is tho priayrao          b 
onyh   more attrotivo wae    oe   stoi on beonmoal 
develowdo In Wisconsin it cot     poia ~ tely twce as 
muhto buld4 the avtrage wateowe    plant as t does to 
buda    avrg    stea  plan  ofthso        piyv* 
2. Imotneof chep trasportation of fuels*         Presnt large 
moemstatm plants in tMa state ar    generatingerrM 
moecepyts  h  vx 
1'D  O  h 
genrion -s tb 
Wiooi     Isu Labu a twi~  thiat for stea  pw*& in M4Liill 
pwraMd tborfowil gene &rate mor 14WJ oveww       ie 
Is quitefavoably situated *as regards loctri   power 
alectria one: 
sAvantag* is 
Of VI-Ach the 
the Chippewa 
ths wisconsju 
Oxanwlos 0 b 
of bytLro pla 
at*&= or otbor auxilia" twits are roVAirad,