424 ftiesit ftm Ilaes 
Mr. Clinton Sipso 
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. 
50 Madtson AveMO 
lw Ytork Clty, Now Tork 
Aqwr Mr. S1apson 
I am pl~ege& tohear twi m outter, aindI w ill start 
at  w   in &a&to      to execute the w~otlons wl14* 
yuhae offere.  I owt, of cours, priso       tht I 
will be able to    ute thou, either to i ow    sa tisfa#i 
or to yos,    I as met in a&bt abot the fial chat 
muin up th*a. egts Whethw tWs mmn be done without 
gttig *hay      tos wt I will bav, to prove ty tri   ano 
Bofore reosiv     you  letter, wich  onstitus in effect 
a tantattive in$ not a figl. aawaneat %otveen us, I b 
ptta in touch with Mr, tuartea Blasngam as a prspeativo 
agent for placin W v o*. Since our set-up to still 
tentative, I tint there is no i    epiety in lettin hin 
see whnt he oan do, I have told his &bout the status of 
our aaameat. Shou4 this be at all objectionble to 
you, ,Pese let me mne, 
Tour sineely, 
Aldo 2oop"I(