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Tro Son 
Charming Style Charac 
is in the wildlife nanage- 
Id. Dr. Leopold establlshe 
management as a scienci 
when a dhair was create 
at the University of Wis 
His volume "Game Man 
published in 1936, ha 
as thehandbook of 
among t;os Who look toward land' 
fo   e ful that sustains life. The 
d     ly lin application By 
pratie pesntl kown, it would 
require a return. to simple living 
and less annual yeld from the soil. 
So far, the trend in agriculture, 
even that of our modern practices 
that are so widely accepted as n 
lightened, has been in the opposite 
e of Land Values. 
pmtae scncernin  Dr Leo- 
arl-t. -F 10-fillf.