Posting and Charging in Ohio 
rVU17              JJUki AXL~ 
K. A. Charlton, 
Federal Warden 
F Franklin County 
Thinks only 10% of farms 
posted in this county. Some 
of these will give permission 
if asked. 
No chareina by farmers as yet,. 
Chas. 7. Walker       : Franklin              : Thinks maybe 25% of farms

: posted but some of these 
: give grmission if asked. 
Tiff in Gilmore       : Franklin County       : 30%)Says heavy pheasant 
Fairfield    "          20%)counties ae no more 
Pickaway              : 20)heavily posted than others. 
i Madison      "          35%)Farmers care more for 
Delaware              : 35%)rabbits than any other 
3                       S     game- . ..  . .... 
: No trend toward charging even 
: in pheasant diis. 
: A few upland clubs in Wayne 
3                         County and near Urbana.     . 
Fitzgerald   P layette & Madison   : 15.20% posted. Mostly done 
Counties           : by advertising rather than 
: signs. 
: ays a few farmers near Marion 
are charging 50D per day for 
: pheasant and rabbit hunting. 
_0 .                       Wactice is not NJea l.... 
J. W. Kirgan          a Hamilton & Cleremont  t Says no charging by farmers,

Counties           ::even on pheasant territory. 
:                       : Many farm posted - can't 
: estimate per cent. Zven 
3                       a when not posted must ask 
: consent, which is usually 
: given. No duck clubs on 
: river., 
David Bowersox        : Cincinnati Game Dist. : 10% of farms posted but 30%

:                       : prohibit hunting, i. e. 20% 
:                       : chase off hunters but do not 
_        ,,,,,,;  . .....        ,,:  have  s:gm . ,    .  .. 
Carl Keller           ; Dayton Game Dist.     : Half of farms posted in MontA

: gomery and nearby counties. 
a                       : One man in Spring Valley, 
: Greene Co., charges $1.50 per 
: day for gheasant buntia.. 
(Contt. next page) 
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