1126 Another problem: botulism Sept. 1939. What ducks?    This clearly a
1050 Bat who can son and age these crecss?    Barely toll species. Done by

tail feathers and by bronchial tuberoles (a hard lump at fork of windpipe)

1125  Many shorebirds also die. (Answer to   What ducks?V is, at Delta, hens
young. Another use for sox and age criteria). 
939   Antbor problon   nesting looses. 
930   Bad to learn a lot of things. Dump nest of redhead, 24 eggs. No good.
be classified as predation on hen. 
931    uddy dump, 22 eggs. Notice no down 
879   Students from May to August sake daily round of hundreds of nests.

X-178 MAst identify predators by their work (crow, snin, ground squirrel)

1109 Also anlyse droppings. Scat board set for mink. Duk egg predators best

recognised at nest, but duckling predators only by down in droppings. 
X-.T6 to be sure of ee work we had to keep captive predators and food them

eggs. Conclusiont we found no one predator, or sven the total of them, 
alarming.  Total losses around 60 %1 less than D    Go. pheasants. Norml.

93T   Crows had been shot down to norma  levels. Maybe were such worse formerly.

We had to be careful never to lot a crow see us flush an incubating duck

912   Mach Interesting noa- gme wildlife. Dowitohers 
93)4  Yranlia &all over nookery 
913  Gll lest 
1112 Platform nest of coot. Wondered what this was. 
1106  Droth is worst problem. Invasion of marsh by aspen 
X-195 Delta Syramid 
(so. next page)