Green specimens may usua 
ume determinations in the corn 
Oven-dry specimens shoul       be   ipdinhtar 
affine before immerson, preferal          whl     stlwrm 
Any surplus paraff ins adhering       otesml          hudb 
scraped off. The weight of thesapeholfcur, 
be taken before the paraffineisaped 
It is important that thedtriainolh 
volume by the immersion method         emd      sqikya 
possible after the immersion ofseie,                eas      n 
absorption of water by the sampedrclafctth 
accuracy of the result.       If the  oueo        h   apei 
estimated and approximately therqie                egt       r 
placed on the pan before the spcmniimeed                    th 
time necessary f or balancing may     erdcdtoamnmm 
The etodr  ofpec in sh d  e ip d nhtar 
afn Io  ecbf I mme frson, drfray l  whm  tl  am 
scrap ee m c off Mo w ihtur otesapeholo cur , 
If taen heoe spcien oarfoin  apid 
volume by when obtarine hod e  md  qikya 
posbatrthe mmersioe confn mayien becus cn 
botha mostre anretcif  th  oue  ftesape 
estimated ~abl     wh prxmteyterqiled stillt war. 
placed~~~~~ otteoa bfr  the senamlesoud bhe 
The mthod  f fiding saemvlue shold imeof cous 
D~~min~~n do otue n e tmnt io  of theSmeTe 
If the~~~~ specimen, brbrn hpr ecause any 
mediaely wen otaine  as e  directly affe-tsytne 
the mistuecotentmay e mpured  weight aff rin 
both~~~~~~b mosueadseii ravdtyedetoerminimum.o 
the             at theieceTim