Tabl 2 ohm  that ins t yer a nes wafun for eah 
hone owl wintering on the are. It to vmilmy t),^ any nsts wr 
wiatloked . hi Issrn     wdu* htnsigpir          r   oai 
wiith ara  and th te nesin pouaion cosit ofth wintern 
oaur*d 1936-3 and I990     In both yx horne owls w" present 
in th ussal nmbrs both beor anddaing thesting p~ld     Hone 
owm  ot -' Is b~z whe tie wod  arbr, and the location of nsts 
Is cleary advrtised by feators fp pellets. down and other uie. 
At Pririe duU   a carfI sac for nets In part of the anua 
*- CO~ -,O law DV WMVW                UWT 19 VLW  peLO'66 a 
othe data for the food-abts std          flme   It to virtually motlm 
that thes tw years In which no nest. were foun wr actall n 
bredn year.      Wa? 
in the searc for mem, a clutoI foun     In the fact t 
durIu  the first yoar (I9*3T) w lIkwo falls to fin         etMld 
hlt~ MSt.   ThIS is loss onsive tha the failure to find owl 
n tsfor field wor ceased In April, and late nsing might have 
esae   detection.   It sm probble   ,      thotugh .  t"M  om  ator
to both spols. pwe~t.    the usa  nines.~ Of the fod      :am    to 
both .s s  rabts and nic ar      the most likel items. Of the 
but coprs a lesser fraction of the owl'. dist,,Loe whe ~abmadt (5       