(1.3m  tm     --iM~       e 21W  1 W..U A. he.  t$GO n 
Iooost it I 1,6 VA the Pomt,. 1.wsb Wih~m emt st 
-' Lti4.4~d oGUNels. tWhedO 1ahs at this sovia, 8"lbele 4W 
Oel)y mpted stte po Itwud at a* INst Twlsatuos V1 I% 
the stst eessez~atiou uo*, bat 0th 1.  wal  a loo mt bd j*6 tk t 
tMuot valubo 1unsim to Neet Is .ut1..Vllstim ONO** me is bUnorm 
the Pallor of*t Mb me~ I*it offemab  imbatrios mete tm eosta am. 
$Mme Iowa sptes. inttmblWr ftt City. bow so saevo U*  p%~. 
Whil es hm sstisil oviumoom w4 sow te itiatas *  at 
,itlily it ts ow toprows  " fthe  to Imeo  toi still a£oeflt~

ifth u0T1*t pTW   ma the A*%t l  $   sm Ubeveloo 
A. tW rstm Us tows @.usmmmie MWis, is a ste arel 
Pzimori)f intete.I 1 Iat  e  lonw  Pretstim 14e., bak -  A 
me spt.6M thisoiat1e femtrl qessve Im Nosr Wool, r 
~b~she '2ma  e~svatee  ~m )   t Wo be". Uis   bto mor 
tatheristh a s S& at i  all ths e  R Im em se tiom essesiatiftm to jon"

"Plq a oup~est nestiwe. TI.S it". Us *Wow mrtkt f a d o  am 
ambto  '.m 
Ike #Ord.r of I11A 24f. ?wetgtieOu neprseeft a seessis ftm Imo 
casoswatieAeselo -    so I*Presse of lwwiats IV the oima fosw 
of the Wfregr Wehol. thi Order VAltdws a -m Somo eelled, 0013A 4 W*O 
of.essmew to "toa Comomtion, mi p ~i~ he W  os Idomew bt * a  t 
a*s mofteer faut~ hay.      SMS. tism I I..SSi. the mt 4.sth at So. 
Gee. D"mett aw stfest, Its Nr*sr 'dog leos 