Abort, J. W.    The Examination of New Mexico --- 
Audubon, John James. Ornithological Biography: Birds of the USA.-- 
Bailey, Bert H. The REptorial Birds of Iowa -/----------       ------ 
Bailey, Vernon. Deer Investigations in Pennsylvania 
Ball, John N. The Grouse in Health and Disease 
Barnitz, S. P. The Shooters Companion 
Beebe, A Monograph of the Pheasants    ............... 
Bogardus, A. H. Field, Cover and Trap Shooting 
Bourke, John G. On the Border with Crook     - --- 
Bradshaw, F. Hungarian or European Grey Partridge 
Burnham, John B. Why Grouse are Scarce 
Carson, -- Adventures of Kit Carson and Fremont-      -    -------------

Carver, Captain Jonathan. Three years travels through the interior parts

of N. America for more than 5,000 miles 
Chandless, Win. A Visit to Salt Lake 
Chapman, Frank M. Birds of Eastern North America 
Coues, Elliott, Birds of the Northwest 
Coues, Elliott, New Light of the Early History of the Great Northwest-- -
Cozzens, S. W. The Marvellous Country                                   
- -- 
Crevecoeur, J. Hector St. John. Letters from an Aerican Farmer-------- 
Curtis, Paul A. Better Shooting is Possible - 
Dawson, Wm. L. Birds of Ohio -- 
de Baca, Cabeza. The Narrative of Cabeza de Baca ...-       .-..---------

de Castaneda, Pedro. The Narrative of the Expedition of Coronado----    
Derivat. Game Preservation in Germany- 
Detweiler, F. B. Better Acorns from a Heavily Fertilized White Oak Tree.-
Elder, Wh. H. Horseshoe Lake Regions, Illinois - -------.        ---   ---