SU*avor4  of failw m  *mtry rm 
loss uma                         0 pr up0 ALI 
Batisfsaetew baxtlg esutry K 
Gs,     l preseria or oto oo*7                  w 
V"Uab2y "for to lagobleeks of h 
sml*R-as  5150o 2R55  It sorot    U*y lmA4ato an a&w- 
age kill tator of Oomt 3. to So Wkisk Ismooia    kj*. 
I an lu4 121 to *15 tho Isoal kill is a little wotw- 
esnt.Is or the sookiag a little under-ottmstM 
I wish to  ~io*at the      *.vs* mr    2iti' 
W4~ prove utso 
Ike 1lmge kiln (ues plas .ut-of-mam kinl)m' 
aroun 10 pel em*   win is a va   mtiRutA-"   . Ob0 
concentration of mtors 
Ia heavily huntol stetion &"I* ftr, W~~ 
Peterso* equatIt ouq  WA s     mt otttot 300 ku r on 
four tonhLs. ftis in tvm per osotiox, a s***m    so 
US~ as 'I afstt th reeweatlnal, v4lo N safet o f OW 
/      It sggsts *wt reuafe of botU       in point of 
Ktiu  as wll as JA point of plate m  bvu a mosiy 
Ptrs*]& fbuj   a   m   bt en ths m ra fe 
the soason, os& as a rrnlt of oWr5tR seaoh n& 
following tm Uaks to    easss  It w ase= that 
AJA.L Wfl5 40W  0 - OW  Z5WLB 17 AR"W 25U So a 190L raw]w. 
of abomtl Moilea Aee to loeal bks. tis weal not 
a soriuas loss as soupa"L with lepa &*e killing. 