instance, organized c.oetive fire protection Dlad 
of mixed, ownerhip ha been developed to a high sateW of 
perfection. They haT@ trie out and de'vlopedt he fairest 
mthodsI of assesig cot    aains  the several lanwners; 
they havo worked out fair cost differentia between out 
an uut acreage and beween the acreage of abaenteea and 
opertors; they have learne how to spread out -he couIs 
wihout   preadi g out the responsiblity for  tldi+ the 
fire machine work; they haeve tested and standardized tools, 
supplies, and tranaportation and communiation laoilities, 
and.sued  als for their maintenane a        o     n the 
Southwet and in Colorado they are deeoping training 
camps for the instniotion of fire gards and rangers, and 
are enrousl.y Improving the inspction method whereby 
fire orgaization are made to funotion sothly and of- 
f$OtiT~ly. Again in Arkansas they are dOTeloit a 
"Chnes Dotor" plan of paying fir. guards for the fires 
that don't happen, instead of for those that do, Certain. 
1y-our leadrs In the State Consrvation Deprtnnt should 
be enaouraged to keep tp with these developments, so that 
they eon adapt them to our Wisconsin problems it they are 
applale I son assure you from experience that nobody 
ah do it without travelling to inspect them on the ground. 
I have mentim4e here perhaps a dozen Items 
perainngto the single problem of fire organization.  It 
Swould take    n able man a  zn years to really absorb the