Attuned to Nature 
By Aide Leopold. Ofeord; 226 
"We abuse land because we re- 
gard it as a commodity belonging 
to us. When we see land as a com- 
munity to which we belong, we may 
begin to use itwith love and respect, 
There is no other way for land to 
survive the impact of mechanized 
man, nor for us to reap from it 
the esthetic harvest it is capable, 
under science, of contributing to 
Thu~s wroe Aldo Lewopod, a great 
iaturalist. He was a leader in con- 
;ervation when the battle was at 
,tu toughest and is concept of 
.onservatlon  started  below  the 
grassrots.  It  moved    upward 
through the topsoil to embrace 
r l       ing, animal and vege 
table springing from or living uo 
that soil and present in the water 
flowing throughiL t. And this is 
the true and the only effective con- 
ception of conservation. 
He was the father of modern 
wildlife management and was a 
consultant on this subject as well as 
on forestry for many states. While 
still a young man who had been 
enthusiastic as a hunter, he laid 
down the rifle for the note book, 
His approach all the way along the 
line was the maintenance of the 
balance of nature. 
Mr. Leopold loved all that was 
natural, wild and free and his every 
sense was keenly attuned to nature 
and nature's creatures. With all his 
scientific avocations he was gifted 
with the ability to write in a man- 
ner to make one see the cautious 
rising of a brook trout under a 
bush, or the graceful undulations of 
the marsh grass In the wind, even 
if one had never personally wit- 
nessed such things. 
For the haste and greed and in- 
ffference of humanity he has scant 
)atience, but he is gently effective 
n the chiding which emerges from 
iis beautifully - written  essays. 
Jany a delight, many a sound bit 
f knowledge and many a lesson 
wait those who will read "A Sand 
'ounty Almanac."