*at grm a~o ~ss the .bjs$ of their qnset? ASA &M win we 
muv4  cm     ew~sd, hopin    to we  then settle, to fi th eirt 
board. one da at abt S a v. we s      the         cicl, 'break     ,* 
*isllU, a fall to eath like mple leaves. llok after I1o-* folowed 
At l     last w ha  foun  their rouieas. 
Nuxt orni       at the   e b* w    I  mit welt b ean.  taa71o.i 
olv~b   Its bar  covre with yostedss vosetras.       to we oro~ 
, for it had be a            lso tr   tm eap.   Car ms atI      a eel 
nest qual.    The qua1   as bAelf-w to his w-lath *so a ese*3* from the 
3   fros. u to imbility.    ft quail ugi add-eir vle the flke 
illd at    Ire, debae, hesitated, and ttlly eae       In. Tht q    l 
tol 03.n the sand *eR the ga   epo*, aM all the ges wo ewel4 eat UW 
Mktaldg on the tar. 
More came. a  settled    he   g lay t     I.    TO a4  qmil at 
lotou . peering thoe the blinlai3stening to the smUll-Uk. Thou. 
gos e    " W M i XbjtvA     As on fneck fild up aMd left. another 
avoIrivo, s  ~ for their deletable eitonove. Of all6 themillios of pebbles

In. the groo  laoos   these on this partila  bar suited thou beet. fte 
tteweme, to a *no    eese, we with forty oIl*o .f A*       It me 
wrth a long hike to us. 
Moet smal game o   the Deta weo too atwo"t to buat. At awv 
we hung uo I& a fe sizatos shooting, owg      qua1 few tesrwm'a use.

Go"l &*trw       do     at leat *o frosty nItt an the stringer s
asesq Iatorlu4., betma" roosting lsa * esquite aid weatingor eowsquIte.