tam al"s bn~s M*a OM tOOVY      lit* 1aui. but to "rook chords

is u~xwly distant. I think thts is bams      h  ooy~   pr~tet to rot no far

xe p...tsbla ro th* dog, vwo intter"   'in qAI to1 eve s x~r iard  
tha vW 
own O. (Q-Abe da0w   n ) hovavpr as I wsipin eoffe by th. ~ooo     fir**

4),ozs bort into eonghr      a stone's tho    mTo        A roosted under
*~t.q p  ao-est, possibly to stV dry duin the hinv   4mm. 
As  ~t nao4, bythi dybrnk ymsung almost at nut 40onteo). 3one- 
bow the blu  aitvxvwI uee4Xos on~ those pinn. bse>  me aefotit bluar,
ad the 
A-,e CO (-tt         O4~                                               it.14It
