Digst of NPartridges    Partridge Xnrso        By Ad     "   I 
Aymor Maxwell 
(Adam & 0 has. Black   London - 191 
:7  8                      !i Pr !I the                    11.~u prrig 
not found In Sootland. Fore      xtes ewar of a UiA 
from Brussels to Venice, north to Artie Crcle, adeat 
to Altar Mts. 
40   mafK tnoPm. Kai* helps roar yong. Py at I ". 
,sat dawn, feed, bush up, food againp tstI 
circles onopn rising groun. Pairing begins In 
First egg ladat noon and mubsequent         a little later 
each day. Eggs kept covered.      srt I    isturfed first 
2 days of incubation, which takes 3 "ee. Ra 
suppress scent during this time.   ok des     t i     tn 
but hoods chicks as hatched one by one* 
49   D          nfamtion of lungs during wet #pellsg 
er dryspells, ophathnaa (eyes). P    i 
arseni    wheat dressine, i      cal m       at s     pp 
On heavy lands killed by clay bls on feet, 
53  Aa undesirable as breeding stock after 2 years tod 
68  fg?)One gun killed 300,000 head in15 yrs. (12,000 per 
80                8,000 acres.  8oil size but 11   t a 
soils pr   minating.   Some wash places but no pemaet 
pasture, No railway or wires.     o ditches. Divide   into 
squares 300 acres by belts of hardods 10      20 tres 
deep. 1 head keeper at 70 - 80 pounds + 30     SQ pe> 
tips, house, garden, sew. 8 assistt* with'beats ef 
700 - 1500 acres each* 
89                 cheeJan.         ar.   Killing  ff     c 
reducing hares and rbbit 
maintenance of coverts. Vermin cntrl* April: 
nests. Visiting nests daily.    Wavaging and trding 
Oct. - 10 days driving* Nov. - 5 days. Yield              s 
or 1 per 1 1/3 aes, 1eavi a pr to              4 -    s 
as breeding stock. 
108   "  t9  Pa' invented by Pearson    rePgy               ) 
to proteec eggs (2) totho rten incubation from 3     he to 
1. After 4 eggs laid all are taken an    replaced b 
artifioal eggs.. Iggs hatchet to ehippn     tg    aidb~ 
or under hens  then put back under p          h 
sat a week.     many as 30 chipped eggs      put 
Partridge hen. A Lincolnshire boat hatched 1,800 e      W