Sumr f 
; !a W. M. , 13. 'A JErmn J. 1. Me~urq, Jr. sui W. w.      ") 
Uperiuente con~wte in "UMa since 1922 sod 3Ssi Caeluma since 1933, 
by 1,P.I. , U.S.D.A. The st   ato  the pape is qutedt 
"Sine it had been oberved that high4alltr t.bes. wa costntly1 
prodeen for the first ya or twe ufter a grwth of natra wodat    vr 
~wermet vwe Initiatet to 4*teriae the valu  oatura we" fallow 
for preing tobc     in the wetntion && comare with that of ewt~in
plants aai mom* of the wilt speces  eomnly occrring in the naua 
wood fasllow. The., comartisoa were based en bae fallew as a control. 
*It Is clearly evident from the r..ilts herein p wnentodtt 
whic  Is fertilized int1eliently an  gri after natural weed fallow of 
suffiiet durptlo posesses in largo esre those desirale chrctr 
istics that aLre observet In the crp grow  on virgi seil. The *rp grow 
after bare S alLoy has show a rapi decline In yield and gross value. 
"The tests eon~uated with iwUlvihtal we"t and erp-l~t specese 
have consistently shown that seraln species are muc moeh Aosirable %ba 
oth" as coer crps to preoete tobaceo. Toqaac bt~wing ragI eMd 
hrswe   wa  mkdl superior both in yield aM Yalu* to tht following 
baro fallow. On the other had teoac follwin lameqarte      was 
inferier in yield aMd value to that following bare fallow. In thoe. tests

annual lepds has shwn no dvntao as a cover crp ts pree tobacco 
swetelover, rebttfeot *lower, aMd wild pas have net alwq* shawa 
decided advntagel while partridge-pe has proued~ same inmse in yild 
Alt),ough the natural vatds occuring in these tests onsisted priipally 
of *poelas tht Produced high-u~ity leaf in pue sts it Is possible 
that thse found to be objectionable mgtprdmntuersecok 
ditions, with a reating hrfl effect on the succeding tob.*w cro. 
It is hardl to be expeted that a given vood speciee wout have the -um 
effect on tobacc on al soils or unde all condition*. 
OThe gally bosdieial oftest of the woot fallw we. that It pro- 
moted a quc star ad ver rapid and uniform grwth of the tobacc plants 
from tra~lmntin time to matarity. Within neinl iits tits reslt Is. 
In tarn, associated with a uniformy hg  kmfst value per n and aveae 
Ggj       Note that the preparatory woods had toI.   g  the falo, aMd 
wre nt effective *hea aWed as mla later. ~S.A imet modfication 
of the seil beneicil to tobacco. ot some Inhibiting effect an di..a.. 
(or eroinian) is plainly implied. 
Nate &Is  that the affect was SiWv.4att              ab   1db 
The .eological sgifiee   Is the probable conditioning af the sail 
by successive stages of the plant sucesion, ostc stage 'bUaaitinO or 
*IAjvrinC* the site fer possible obs.quot stages. The effect ieos 
the kind    well1 as the waut af got. 
*a Stoddard                                       Alto Lepold  7/16/40