April 6. 1931 
Mr. C. S tewiart oeu 
Sporting Arms & AmuitioIn fgrs. Institute 
103 'Park Avm. 
llew Tor City 
Dear Mr. 
The distribtion list for the north central report 
dated November 26  as, as I understand It, approvd In principle 
altioigh the edition was cut from 10,000 to 5,000. 
That list contained an Item of 25 complimntary copies 
for the Clinton School.  I a stue that this item still stands, and 
I think it ought to, but I do not rant to send any more copies 
dorn there than are actually necessary to sowpily the student 
body and the library. Will -ou kindly determine, either direct 
or throtih the contact officer, how many copies up to 25 should 
g-o to Cinton, and to *7hom they shiould be addres sed, so thiat I 
may zna1te shipment accordingly? 
Tours sincerelyl, 
In Carg, Game 9urve