typical animals in the states, i t is obvious that if we wish to keep a ra

suitable for, say, quail, we must keep part of the lan in brush, some iii

pasture, some in fields, and some in woods. Theoretically it is possible
keep a  game range within a certain pattern and condition by using these

3ss entially 
control tools. Just what are these toolsi/Whey are the plow, the ax, fire,

and the cow. 
It is clear that plowing will set-back j4i    & plot of gorwnd to I 
barren stage. If barren fields were a necessary part of a game range, thei

techniquef  to employ,      for setting back or por 
plowing would  be the/tool to use to accomplish this. Other tools/over whi4

plant succession, 
man has some control,are chemicals, fertilizers, flooding,"        
and fencing. Uncontrollable forces such as climate and its components of

and floods,                  ,    and even volcanic eruptions, 
sunspos      rain/ drouths, dust storms, drifting sands,/may alter landscapei

cons iderbly. 
With this elementary explanation of plant succession and the tools 
by which we may alter landscapes, we are ready to progress to the defiit

in which they may be used in aiding wildlife. 
(( Something concenning wildlife husbandry and the real enjoyment in 
this work might come in here. ) (I would suggest a re-write of your 
talk at the Union last year plus some of the. article from Bir&-Loret