ward (6) some ooyoto trappi    (6) one food patch (7) win 
attempt to start a doo yard. with hay. 
This indioats th   eoxpendituro of ample oerg j 
ftnds,  Just how akillfully the me      s ae eecut       y be 
another matter.   Thre would seem to be room for a good 
toohnioal consultant ia this fied, 
The Turtle LakeOlub, an old institution, is oredite 
oven by abers of the opposite school with havin     save 
the door of the Lower Peninsula during the shortao of invt- 
al ocalos ago. 
Tere are reports of some farmers  oooti     fro 
1.00 to $5*00 per Lay fron hunters durin    the last pea 
season. Thor, is no general trend, hoevr, toward the sale 
of shooting. Ono farw(who was hatching pheut eggs) in- 
liethat there night bo a kind of mral turpitude in4ao 
Ing. ' 'Ithink he consitore it a matter of hospitality 
rather Vau= busimess    This attitude     persist for a long 
time uleoss the sportsman himaif urges th sole of shooting 
as a means of getting cultural masures applied. 
The wp..petive merits of the -   sehools of thot 
wo-uld soon to depend on the nature of the things which need 
to be done in order to produ@O a gms crop. 
Whore the nodful things can be done by a public 
agoeny, the freo-shooting argument is tenablo. 