21oloists. 3-eoe4irem1 ftve Staff, EMIMty Mp~krg 
Dr. 11. L. Russell, former Dea Colee of Agriculture, Uiversity of 
Wisconsin. MaY 5, 1931 
'In bringing6 together of data of this sort, from the standnoint 
of depndable infomation, this is one of the finest ompautiont 
that I have yet seen for the whole conservation movent, Bth 
you and your backers are to be congratuilated on being able to 
a      ish s fine a pism of wr. 
C. 1. * Professor of Civil              ring, Ohio State University, 
01 shall take great pleawre in going into this in detail as 
sona opportunity affords, as a crsory glance shows a grat 
amt of informatin omactly and oonveniently presntd. 
Ths. S. Roberts, Diretor, Zoological MaseurMtneplie, Kfinn. May 9,1931. 
OIt is not   cessar  for m  to my that this publication   is a 
very fine pie" of work. It is fall of interesting fats and per 
tint mestions. You are certainly a mst Indstrious wa          in- 
telligent worker. and It is hard to wiMerstand how you gt together 
such a vast amount of informat ion in soshort a time. I have been 
carefuly thr      it fro  title page to finish. To mention just one 
item, I was deli~ted to see how yo Inmetured the prevalent sports- 
man's notion that it Is necessary to 'shotapt and scatter a covey 
of quail in o er to preent in-rseeing-that bog      of poorly informed 
folk.  Your treatment us Just wat was ne.&ed. 
Bmrr 1. Prentice, Head of Forestry Dept. Pardue University, Lafayette, 
Ind- MVy 13. 1931. 
"T a mnwho knws. little or nothing of gaemngmet           hr 
is so mich meat in ymr surv. just publish&, that it is a 
liberal education to read it.' 
Frank A. Wag, Mass. Agril. College, Amerst, Mass. May 5. 1931 
"I hav  been lo       throu  it and find it a very delitful 
and interesting vu. Tere is a lot to learn frm It.*