White Oak - Buds and tips of lower branches very little eaten, 
but the acorns form a valuable deer food in the fall. 
Red Oak - Buds slightly eaten, acorns important food. 
Chestnut Oak - Buds slightly eaten, acorns important food. 
Scrub Oak - Buds slightly eaten, acorns important food. 
Beech - Buds slightly eaten but beechnuts form an important food 
for deer. 
Red Maple - Extensively browsed. 
Striped Maple - Extensively browsed. 
Sugar Male - Very little browsed. 
White Thorn   Buds slightly browsed. 
Black Thorn - Slightly browsed. 
Juneberry - Much browsed. 
.ein Cherry -       U 
Black Cherry - Much browsed. 
Black Birch - Considerably browsed. 
Mountain Ash - Slightly browsed. 
Aspen - Small trees and bushes imch browsed. 
Yellow ponlar - Much browsed. 
Balsam poplar - Somewhat browsed. 
Apple - Eagerly browsed. 
Sumac - Much browsed and often killed. 
Elder - Much browsed, 
Black Raw - Much browsed. 
Devils Club - Much browsed and often killed. 
Azalea - 2 species - Much browsed. 
Wild Honeysuckle (Lonicora) - Much eaten. 
Laurel - Extensively eaten and destroyed over large area. 
Rhododendron - Extensively eaten and being rapidly exterminated. 
Sweet Fern - Extensively eaten. 
Grane Vines - Browsed and the fruit eaten. 
Wild Gooseberry - Much eaten. 
Blueberry bushes - Extensively eaten. 
Huckleberry bushes -   I 
Witch-hazel - Considerably eaten. 
Wintergreen - All destroyed over extensive areas. 
Club mosses - 3 species - Eaten and destroyed on the winter feedig 
Arbutus - Much eaten and exterminated over areas. 
Grass - Now growth being eaten at present time. 
Clover-              I t I  It  "   H 
Plants Not Eaten 
White Spruve - in small plantation - none found eaten. 
Black Walnut - apparently not eaten. 
Hickory - very little eaten. 
Sex & Ae Count at Night (Vernon Bailey, Oct. 192?) 
Does        Fawns     Bucks    Undetermined   Total 
Oct. ll,Lackawanna Co. 23          19        5 
Oct. 12,fte Ce.      1l0           5        1            5         21 
Oct. 13, Monroe Co.    45          17        3            6         71 
79           40       9           15       lO