Again and again we moved CaM goonswrd, horn to ses them settle, to 
find their baquet board, One dny at ab-nit 8 a.m. we saw the Dhala= 
circle. brGa rraas, sidesli-pn, &a  f4l to earth like maple loeaw,  
after flok followed. At lone last ,m had founa their reMezvous. 
Nlext rionin at the same hour zo lq in wait beside an ordinary- 
lokng slouh, its bars covered with yestrdayes goometrask. We were 
already )mzwry, for it had been a lonr tramp from cm, ) brother w's 
eatirg a cold, roAst muail. The qwml was halfw*y to his mouth when 
a oackle from the   y, froezo us to i bility,  That qiLail h  .a in uid4air

w41il the flock otroled at leliure, d1bated. hesitated, --=4 finw4Uy 
eoa  in, That (ail fell in the sand when the fms pole, an      all the 
geese we amId eat lay   cki  fin th. bar. 
More aww, And settled. The dog lay trembling-, We' ate qtdl at 
leiam , De rinp thrroi the blind, listeMing to the sillmtalkc.    hse 
ge*s were  nbblni g    l, As one flock filled up az    left, another 
arrive4, ewer for their delectable stones. Of all the millions of 
blos In the greon lagoons, those on this p rtlonlar bar aited them best,

The differenoo, to a snow  oose, was worth forty miles of flyin, It 
was wrth a long hike to us, 
Met w all gae on the Delta was too abundant to hnt, At every camp 
we hu   un, in a'few minates shoot!YWg, enmigh quall for tomorrowts is. 
Good gastro     d        at least one :rosty night on the strnr as the 
necessary interlude between roostim, in a resquite and roastiag over 
All gw   was of incredible fatnes.   ery deer laid down so m i 
tallow that the dimple alowr ?ds back'bone would have held a smll pil 
of water, had he allowed un to por it, He didust,