Unit #1. since 1935? ha~s nOee achieved its forer median surviva 
.f 17-   I has lost o. small bu  good ticket since 193.   It has h 
pheasants since 1936, Is reoent uvivals indicate a threshold of about 
Unt #2 han three times approxmated its pre"935 ma survival 
of 16, bu   a  been twice vaant   so cover unt hiave been lost in tot*, 
but food, Is often searcl he   *csas* , the coe Is force to feed in a 
baar.     Pheasants have been presen  sine 1936, reetl~y in nabers. 
The present threshold is cofusing. Perbps it remins nearl whtI 
Unit #2 ws unouae       twie before 195 indicating poor quality 
to bein with. It has been emty    4usV)sne.         It ha Co.d cver, but

often lacs food. T    ! are no phesants. It lost all Its birds onc. 
before 1935, an fourz times since, icud~ing th   diagosuic wi~nter of 
1940-41. It is very windy; w mspet tht It my ofe*decoy* a covey 
to settl, there in fall* and then in winter "imprson* It far f~r food

by long spells of wind. We do not know how to "sign it W present 
threshold of security. 