i~f on~e looked dow on t)he ette fro &A s1rplane this wuld W be kn 
It is aditted that th   bes pts for r      eati    andth 
best wase to pleat an4 maintaln tem A" nt o         n  s       U ma

the sbjt of carefu rss      .L  It is  lsa4e  that esov   to aled 
knol. hoewvr, sad e        aa Uinfered Vy osy e e           soes   to 
all for a subtantial wewss1 of t      pmsvlet attitd     of 
Co11555 toward the g5eeral subjet of coer on Lam. ft     prairie stata 
av. inceasingly bere of draixqS*-km&n*  cove  partly b   ~s the agri

eutwurl -nJatherittes have advoated, or at least a  ieme   U 
tncy to remv     all over eBsh oatri. Its       mtw fr     t) e   s 
gleariz   f th  pimors. 
ftat this emrtv has carre      the statS toe f   Is atested e 
the Nosier w4 RostsoR bulletin. 
Thr   is no economic is&" of greater ftusmtl    imotac     to 
a sate**1lik Illinuis Stan the cosrvation of its .oU, ad %her* is *a 
pinctleal awa  to this end of grater prois thm the was        c of 
go   cavrts oR dring    channls.