Digest of 
Mather, W. W. Geological Survey of the State of Ohio. Second A1nual 
leport, Columbus, 1938. 286 pp.  (Copy owned by J. A.Laham) 
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p. 23.  Water Cycle in Lake fri.  *The rise...was mentioned in the 1et 
Annual Report (1837?). The effects are disastrous...fine farms are 
completely inundated...the coast is washing...necessary to make the 
wharves higher...to raise the streets of towns. A tradition exists that 
there is a periodical rise and fall of the water through a certain period

of years. ... the present rise is higher than has occurred for many years

before, for extensive tracts of forest are now said to be overflowedl. 
pp. 50-52. Table of Water Levels, 1796-1838. Max. fluctuation 61 below 1838
in 1810 and 1819. 
pp. 157-200. Report on Zoology of Ohio by J. P. Kirtland, Nov.l1838 
p. 176. Wolverine "andoubtedly inhabited the northern parts of Ohio
in former 
times, but has long been extinct" 
Fisher 2 specimens taken in Ashtabula Co. in 1837, where a few probably 
still exist. 
Marten "Dr. Ward...has taken it in the vicinity of Chillicothe"

Cougar R. concolor and 7. mostana. The mountain tiger and the mountain 
cat. The pioneer hunters blended both these species under the common 
name of catamount. They both formerly inhabited this state but have 
now disappeared. Mr. Dorfemille has in his museum at Cincinnati well 
prepared specimens of each species that were taken in Ohio". 
Ln_. "A lynx was killed in Trumbull County about 10 yrs. since".

p. 177. Varying hare. Fare; sometimes seen in N. Z. parts 
Ilk One killed Ashtabula Co., Oct. 1838 
Buffalo   2 killed in San4 Fork Symme's Or. in 1800. These were last. 
p. 180. Paven  "sometimes spends the winter as far north as Lake Erie".
of it as a southern species? Or misprint? 
p. 184. Canaa grouse. Reported on shores of Erie. Not authenticated. 
'Sandhill or whooping crane*  2 killed Coshocton Co. 1837 
p. 185. "Bartraa's Tatler"   1I am informed by Dr. Ward that it
is sometimes 
seen in the Scioto Valley". 
p. 208. Canvasback  "I know of no reason why it might not be advantageously

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