,  ,   * 
The three specie of pla. aat&vo to Viscoa 
*ifFew radically In their opinona bout rarrig 
jack --In* sa~mens baos  mi ber coes ae 
nursery, and a few of mw 13yea-old Jack alea 
my 13-yrmr-ol  ref first blo      this ye-tv, bu 
bloomed; they adhr cloely to the nl-no 4 
Wre It not for this wde 4ivrnit In socia 
wmg4 be mh #iwta1194 in their bill-of-fars. ) 
.start tearing up ,apla. cones for the seed, a 
seattew.4 moe. hulls aMA rinds ov  the I-dcp 
tree the rwan of thir ana feast 11. In pil 
are nlways cones to seja. ** stt~ted by their r 
the golenrods. 
Few popenow -  "t pine bear flwes &M 
too -pos to as* In thi festival of blos mthl 
biological functo.  All 41silusae folk *4 
M~Y In a IAne wods, a such as wetr glasses sh 
re*.oe e3Aberaa of the season, "o when the 
failed to do go. 
Youn  white pines usally thrive- boot in h 
714ed with a prw  in the sun Is dwrfe ,4x   p 
there UV wodlot* $a whic no such inhiiio ob