direoted into more useful cannels if someone demonstrates the possi- 
bilities of visual education. 
Cot  of     nttoof moving                   iture films to visalize 
game         nt would vary so widely with local difficulties and 
circumstances that no cost esttmtes can be given. It is possible, 
however, to set down the approximate cost of a demonstration in game 
management exhibits* A trial exhibit consisting of two or three 
portable cases, such as described in the appendix of this renort, 
would cost: 
9 months salary at $6,000 per year .   .   $,500 
rent of workshop at t4 per month   . .. .     360 
travel to gather facts and material. . .      750 
3 cases at $75each . . . ...      . .        225 
3 painted           s at$40eac . ....         120 
Wle and miscellnueous materials . . . . 
Some of these Items, such as rent, might be avoided or reduced 
if cooperative faoilities were made available. 
&ar*It ServU. At the outset it would likely be Impracticable to 
take on more than one man to feel out the possibilities of visual 
education. If both exhibits and movi6 were to be tried, his 
personal qualifications would have to include exnertness in: 
Building up synthetic materials 
Natural History 
Creative ability to synthesize all of the above 
There are probably a dozen men in the country who possess 
expert kowle&ge in part of th ese fields, but probably only one 
or two who possess fairly expert knowlege of all of them. Axq 
action on this recoendation should be preceded by a most nains-