Nov*Taler 29, 19)47, 
Barnard A. Henrik 
U.S. Yet, Hospital 
Waco 0 Tfexas 
Dear 53aruard. 
Your very helnfal letter on tCoo is weloome. I can see that you and 
T h zd the apm  ant ,ais3  nf aim. 
Thanl-s es~solly for the sWC,7(Stion about reprints. I will order 
200O If "on All a raAng_ list. I thinir- a circita1zler 
M-P-iod b-, 3 or 14 of hti rst iideretandirv frieudg shonulf rO wt1th It.

Whofhol ht bet yya. ailly, :4elf and ? I'll '1ehvO this 
to -Xol. 
It 11 senfi you a. r-vi 3ed draft wvhen I her~n the other ce~wutators, 
You ztill tell me hothitg about yourself, tho I c -In read betwen the 
tin-es thait y h hae achlevel -a  a turitv and umdritan!izw tha--t I 
uiaturall161y contrafit A ti. our I'irtt ucqualntauoe,' -hen yuwere a boy
EtE'tn~ou-t. uos    n p fti toll mr yo-.r s3tory, 
Yonrs evr Leo;*ld