00n~esion tak~es place, howr wil! it affect mOulturql y-1u-s? It iiut be
that split--Ail flgvor and free-for -all oxploiotation are )4stoia11lr ailsociated,

Danel 3one h ad sqcajnt patieunoo wijth aogwicultuwai cop.intr, lot aloneo
Opi.   erasthe stubboni                              Usl"tno ofte0u-glu
aportz k~u to beq 
convertd t te coppiiM idea is 'an Oiw'esioj of hlis slIt-mag J J 
Probably omp-n    i.3 resisted leo)uise it Is11 iuOiaable WIthi one eo_ 'aponet
the split-wail trad. itoni frea kiutii,. 
~e~.~satoffoers no cultura). fubatitute for the molit >rai.l valu,s it

Aestwcys; a t leat noine visible to i~e, rpp or muaem tat doos offr.a 
substitute, whkch to me. has at least Pei~wl va-lue: wild husbarz7y'  1he

experience of      is  ad for wildlifn crops has the same va'lue aany other

forn of fLAnig; it is a r~miner of' the n-arhrelation. 1kjmeovo~r ethical.

restraints -Ire ivolvod; thus maging-'     without rvsortixw:; to prednto-ontrol,

calls for ethical restrait of a high order. It may be concluded, then, that
cropping shrins orte- v lue (split-rail.) but en)-inc,'s both of the o the,

If we wr4r outdoor sports a- s afield of conflict botween Rn Iimeamsely 
vigorous prce of maeisation and a wholly static tmaditioa, Vim the@ outlook

for oiiltur It vrlii~i is indeed .ra. : it why car-pot ou  oap  fsotgo 
with thn wtlace vli, as m- list of gadgeti?  Pohp   the wsalvadi~   of mtltiirPl

va.lue lie-:s ini soli%,ng the offensive,  I, for one, believe that the ti-ne
is ripe. 
andoetasMinq for ' thelaselvesi Wthe shap'- of thir-zso ne 
Tbe lost decade, for oymaple, "-as  disclosed a totally now fori o f
Which does not 4eto      1 idlife, which usaei :dets without bigused by them,

which outf4 m_-- the p-,roble.m if posted Lvidr ,o V6l ich grp~atly i-ncree-,ege
tie hum 
aarryionpa it of a ualt amet. 2hii 3Po.'t )mowa no bae, limit, ao a-Ioed

seaso.n  It needs techers. but not ~wrexs. It calls for a anw wot, at of