vmtb.P suc  diff.re.$e 11* 1 
Pies   like people. are 0 
g   Iaee   insppressin  thmi  I 
affiit betw~ wht plue      n 
in a dewberr-j pat~h, I can sm* 
"lop a hak    cluster of buds 
gow -,xA otbloon ht.s f4l*ws 
in the ane *ol ut In h 
In October I like to walk 
$3d-stalv-rt fre th red carp 
thq are awre of their state 
vice that goe   mt use to a 
lapptorom of otflem. It t 
looker to led to beliw   tha 
MA* epome of pine has 
term of offlas.for neo.v ap 
fall,  yulae filed i   04 duf