votes in a oft liqi warble whic a March bluebird mght env. At a few feet

from the gron he levels off an   return  to his petin gzM, usually to th

exat spot where tho psroiu~r@e bspxi, 3and there resumes his. peenting. 
It is soon too dark to se the bird on the ground, bt yo      see his 
flights agnsnt the xs- for an houar, which is the utsual daP-tIo.- of the
-      Oaz monlighit ni,,,te, 94~i) il contivue, at lntsrvitds, as long as
At &   r     the woole      is repste. In early Apil the fial curtain

falls at 5i15 a.m.; the time advsnea two minutes a day until June, when the

nerfo~raqu* oloRns for the ynar at 3:15, Xy the            L-1ait in  lidig
Alas, I fear that evsu roace tires, for It take only a fifth asmc li et 
to stop the sk       at dawn 4r suffl44 to sta rt it at sunset. 
It is totte, peas,.A  thait no Lvtter how inteatly. oneo studies the 
hunredlittle rw     of the woco. aad -ao 4ows, one oan never leam all of
salient faots about    oa of them. 4bat I do not yet Im    abot the sk dae

is: wlhe, in Vie lady, and jst what part, If aV, does sbhe 1ay?    I oftei,
two woodcocks on a -)eating grouad. anid thea two so,ntimes fly t%), ther,
but they 
never peent together. Is thea secoad bird the hen, or a rival Je 
Another unnwni is the twitter vocal, or' is It mechanical? My friend 
Bill 7eea.y) once clap;-ed a 4et over a peenting bird aml reovad his outer

primary wing feathers.- thereafter the bird peoented. and wrarbled, but twittered

no more. )it one sucoh experimnt is hardly conclusive. 
Another uzikwaa up to what sVAge of neting dope the male continue the 
sky rtn  Ky (Dau~iar onc  aa a bird peenting within twenty Yards of a nest

containing hatce eggshells, but wns this hi lady's n~stY Or to this secretive

follow possibly  bigamous without our ever hcaviug found it ott?  These,
and xw