Dec~iir 3. 19374 
Wr. ielter A. W'ebr 
1025 lade Jtreet 
I           k, llinois 
Dear .eber: 
Bhere is a poslbility that I will be able to scare up some 
funds to start work this winter on a project vich I have been plannig 
for some years, namly the publication of a farmers' handbook of game 
management for 1isconsin. 
Mie -ey to effectiveneoss in a po-l-ar pub!iation of this kind 
will, of course, be the illutrations.    will be ,blt to use iotographs 
in part, but ther  vi).i be a considerable nimber of points of technique

relating to food =1 , cover rolctions for hich I rill need drawtiqs. 1he

pheas-nt drawing which you h-ve already m-de W   be concidered as an 
exwple of these drnwings.  Lhe total mmniber ill come to nossibly a doe 
or a dozen and a half. 
I    ld lik  to retain you for tihAs urpoe provided the fands 
=aterialito. In order thA I -ay present coAt estiates, I would like a 
prelialJ-.ry idea of your rates.  Will you give me a tentative non-binding

quotation on, let us sV, 15 drawings, the average of which will be about

as difficult as the attahed? Should you irefer to work by tLme, you 
mipit give me your per day or per month rate for such time ac you think 
would be involved in sach an order. You miiht also state whether you 
would plan to do the wek here or .t howe with frequcent trips here for 
co n sl tat ion. 
All this Is for cost estimate -urposes only and sbJeect to re- 
vision after we get down to more definite speifications. 
I forgot to say that all the drawings will, of course, be ltie 
drawin s. 11a   of them will be usich siiiler than the attached simple. 
Yours sincerely, 
Aldo Leopold 
In har, Gnae Research 