most Imortant single test of the now weapons is whe 
Be$ of soil. 
Sown region, most soil-abuse arises from too m       d 
U       'e                on an  floods, all repres. 
duots are, In large part, consumed locally. The Ioc 
riminate in favor of conservation milk or butter if 
bu~nDuivaL agency would Oertify the egrso of soil-abse characteistio 
of an Identifiable land-unit. This unit is sometimes the Individual fa 
more often the dairy-distributor, -1414 mae eft;e the milkhed. Bres 
alread certify whether milk is rich and whether the cow is sick; cruld 
nt also certify whether the soil supporting the cow Is sick? Undmubte 
they could, and at a cost mh less than the present soil-onservation 
(AAA, SCIA formerly OO(C). The ru~b seems to be that nobody has that much

confidence In the patriotism and intelle      of the consumer. 
Most consumers do not know that the battle for the soil is, in the lo 
run,    t as important as the battle for the Solomons. Bt some know, and

might act. &a .  - "aieri F *am c-;,0..,        -'61 . Wisconsin,
m     ople, has a new statute which aut.orizes groups of farmers to reglate

abuses of th& notl IIn tliai  num  *ini,--it            I ---i *1  L*