reinforcements arrived, and the fight remained  stationary
during most of the morning. Several charges and counter.
charges took place, and the enemy's force was found to consist
of Stuart's cavalry, while country people reported that infantry
had passed that way in heavy force towards Madison Court
House, a day or two before.
    In the evening, Pleasonton returned across the Rappahan-
nock, followed at a distance by the enemy, but without slffer-
ing loss. The cavalry had shown in their first general fight,
bthat they were capable of holding their own against the much
dreaded " Stuart's Cavalry," that caused the Army of the
Potomac so much alarm, from the Peninsula to Marvland.
    They had met and parted fairly, "broken a lance" as it
were, found that all they needed was to put a bold face on
matters; and so learned their first lesson under Pleasonton's
command. In this fight, Custer was in attendance on his
general most of the day, a great favorite of the latter. The
time was coming and very near at hand, though he knew it
;not,, for him to win his star, and emerge from the inconspicu-
tus position of a staff officer to one in which he could com-
w    and public attention. The personal history of Custer during
the time that intervened between joining the army and winning
his star comes out so well in his animated and picturesque cor-
respondence that we are sure our readers will be glad to see
  iome-of his letters. He still kept up his communications with
Is sister, but the letters to her are filled out and completed by
B*Me to another person, to whom he commenced to write early
i0 April. From these letters it appears that after the comple-
'n of the report he paid a short Visit to Monroe, thence to
tew;York city, where he met orders sending him to Washing-
,n 0 Here he was put on nominal staff duty, which was really
en-teel idleness, and filled up his time by going to the theatres,
Asd trying to forget his discontent. He was evidently, at the
   e, sre, dissatisfied, unsettled, but imbued with a strong no-
