Appendix. Elevation of bottom of confining unit, 1990 and projected 2030 withdrawal rates, and well capacities by model
location and well name-Continued

                                                                 Elevation of          1990             Projected           Well
  Layer      Row      Column                Name                  bottom of       withdrawal rate,   2030 withdrawal     capacity, in
                                                                confining unit,      in gal/min       rate, in gal/min     gal/min
                                                                    in feet
                                                   Heart-of-the-Valley municipal wells
    2         90        47      Darboy SD1                           517                19.5                77.9             330
    2         89        46      Darboy SD 2                          524                76.5               306               330
    2         79        55      Kaukauna #4                          451               319                 370               300
    2         80        55      Kaukauna #5                          452               236                 274               300
    2         82        53      Kaukauna #6                          468                89.7               104               185
    2         76        54      Kaukauna #8                          454               333                 386               400
    2         79        51      Kaukauna #9                          478                57.1                66.2             185
    2         85        43      Kimberly #1                          674               179                 179               400
    2         86        45      Kimberly #2                          674               381                 381               400
    2         87        40      Kimberly #3                          669               315                 315               400
    2         83        46      Little Chute #1                      513               576                1100               380
    2         83        44      Little Chute #3                      530               140                 267               400
                                           Total withdrawal, in Mgal/d                   3.92                5.51

                                                    Heart-of-the-Valley industrial wells
    2         78        54      Appleton Papers                      457               309                 309              1000
    2         78        54      Combined Locks Paper Co              457               309                 309              1000
    2         78        55      Thilmany Paper & Pulp Co             450                 2.24                2.24           1000
                                           Total withdrawal, in Mgal/d                   0.893               0.893

                                                     Western Towns municipal wells
    2         93        15      Greenville                           726                 0                 514              1000
    2        108        21      Menasha SD4 3                        607               209                 344               720
    2        109        22      Menasha SD4 4                        650                 5.38                8.88            720
    2        102        32      Menasha SD4 5                        626               391                 645               500
    2        106        21      Menasha SD4 6                        514               580                 957              1620
                                           Total withdrawal, in Mgal/d                   1.71                3.56

                                                     Western Towns industrial wells
    2        113        28      American Can Co                      656               243                 243              1000
    2         97        26      Badger Dairy Coop a                  652                67.8                67.8            1000
    2         98        26      Badger Dairy Coop b                  629                84.8                84.8            1000
    2         94        33      Foremost McKesson Inc                619                 4.93                4.93           1000
    2        116        29      Galloway Milk Co                     660               177                 177              1000
    2        114        25      Kimberly-Clark a                     660               178                 178              1000
    2        114        25      Kimberly-Clark b                     540               108                 108              1000
    2        114        26      Kimberly-Clark c                     528              238                  238              1000
    2        114        28      Kimberly-Clark d                     565               174                 174              1000
    2        113        29      Marathon/Am Can/James River          651               113                 113              1000
    2        118        27      Menasha Corp                         672               26                   26              1000
    2        98         27      Miller Electric Mfg Co               648               44.9                 44.9            1000
    2        97         26      Morning Glory Farms b                652               67.8                 67.8            1000
    2        97         26      Morning Glory Farms c                652                84.8                84.8            1000
    2        98         26      Morning Glory Farms d                629               84.8                 84.8            1000
    2        97         26      Stokely Van Camp Co                  652                 3.14                3.14           1000
    2       114         20      Stowe-Woodward Co                    695                11.2                11.2            1000
                                           Total withdrawal, in MgaI/d                  2.46                 2.46