Plate V. Fig. 1.
See WILSON'S .6merican Ornithology, III, p. 44, PI. 21, fig. 4, for the Male,
and history.
Qui8calus versicolor, VIEILL. Nouv. Diet. d'Haft. Nat. XXVIII, p. 488.-NoBis,
Nom. Wis. Orn. Journ. .cad. Nat. Sc. Philad. III, p. 365.
Gracula quiscala, LINN. Syst. I, P. 165, Sp. 7. GMEL. Syst. I, p. 397, Sp.
7. LATH.
Ind. p. 191, Sp. 7.
Gracula barita, GMEL. Syst. I, p. 396, Sp. 4. LATH. Ind. p. 191, Sp. 6. ORD,
.dead. Nat. Sc. Philad. I, p. 254. (not of LINN.)
Oriolus ludovicianus, GMEL. Syst. I, p. 387, Sp. 31, (pied variety.)
Oriolus leucocephalus, LATH. Ind. p. 175, Sp. 4, (pied variety.)
Pica jamaicensis, BRISS. .V. II, p. 41, Sp. 3.
Monedula purpurea, the Purple Jackdaw, CATEsBY, Carolina, I, p. 12, P1. 12.
Gracula purpurea, the Lesser Purple Jackdaw, or Crow Blackbird, BARTR. Trav.
p. 291.
Pie de la Jamaique, BUFF. Ois. III, p. 97.
Cassique de la Louisiane, BUFF. Ois. III, p. 242. Pl. EnL. 646, (pied variety.)
Purple Grakle, PENN. I/rct. Zool. Sp. 153. LATH. Syn. I, Part II, p. 462,
Sp. 6.
Boat-tailed Grakle, PENN. I/ret. Zool. Sp. 154. LATH. Syn. I, Part II, p.
460, Sp. 5.
White-headed Oriole, PENN. Iret. Zool. Sp. 147. LATH. Syn. I, Part II, p.
422, Sp. 4,
(pied variety.)
Philadelphia Museum, No. 1578, Male; No. 1579, Female; No. 1602, whitish
THE female Common Crow-Blackbird is figured in the annexed
plate, that naturalists may have an opportunity of comparing it
with the corresponding sex of the Great Crow-Blackbird, and
thus receive a distinct idea of the difference between the two spe-
cies, so well manifested in their females.
The specific name of this bird (quiscala) has been changed, in
consequence of its having been applied to the genus: we have